Les enseignants du primaire appeal to action in the face of “promises non tenues”
The first debut of l’année scolaire 2024-2025, le Secteur de l’Education fait face à une nouvelle vague de tens. The primary teachers, regrouped within the National Coordination, have decided to resume the path of protest, denouncing the “non-respect of the commitments of the government and the ministry of Education nationale”. This mobilization, which culminates in a national grove on October 5, is recorded in a series of reviews concerning the recognition of professions and the auxiliary conditions de travail des enseignants.
After several years, the tensions between the teaching body and the government authorities are gradually sharpening, to the point of developing into a real crisis. At the origin of this situation, the numerous promises made by the government, notably en ce qui concerne l’amélioration des conditions des work, n’ont pas été suivies d’effets concrets. The CES commitments, which include the agreement of 26 December 2023 and the results of the social dialogue on 30 April 2022, will contribute to the solutions aux révendications légitimates des enseignants, telles que la réduction des heures de travail, l’harmonisation des salaries, ou encore la reconnaissance professionnelle à travers des promotions administrativees et financières.
Cependant, the lack of reactivity of the authorities to implement these reforms has deeply disappointed the teaching staff. This absence of specific actions to enter a mountain of frustration, not in the ranks of primary school teachers, highlights the perçus as the most vulnerable in the education system. Leur Coordination nationale, porte-voix de ces revendicaciones, denounces not only the delay in the application of the accords, but also the absence of serious dialogue with the government. Face à ce status quo, les enseignants ont vu leurs rebenances se radicaliser, passant d’une demande de réformes à une requirement de droits fundamentalés non respectedés.
The demands of teachers
At the heart of the claims, the teachers are asking for a reduction in the nominal working hours to 21 hours, with a total year of 714 hours. They also demand that Saturday be recognized as a day of rest. This initiative aims to harmonize working times between the different training cycles. In addition, the teachers are demanding that additional compensation be provided in January 2024 in order to compensate them for the injustices of the compensation without taking into account the victims.
The colère “cell 10”.
The Communiqué de la Coordination underlined “la poursaige de la lutte” pour obtenir la promotion administrative des seignants de la cellule 10 diplôme du grade 9, et la regularisation du premier grade avec retroactif effect, tant sur le plan financier à administrif from the date obtaining the diploma, according to the agreement of April 14, 2023. La Coordination a tenu le ministère de tutelle pour responsibly de toute deterioration du dossier revendicatif, tout en réaffirmant la nécessité de metésitére de laffévetre en œtée as agreed on April 14, 2023.
Elle insists on the need to see the supplementary allowances for primary and secondary teachers and reduced working hours, all while Cell 9 teachers are deprived of the benefits of CNSS and CNOPS social services. She called on her members to mobilize and actively participate in the next protest action to defend their legitimate rights.
An industry in structural crisis
Lacrisis systemique de l’éducation Pública au Maroc is explained by an ensemble of deeply rooted problems. Le sector souffre d’un manque criant de ressources financiers et humaines, qui se traduit par des classes surchargées, une insuffisance de matériel pedagogique et un sub-effectiveif chronique du personnel enseignant. This deficit of means directly affects the quality of the teaching, increasing the pressure on the teachers in post and discouraging new recruits in the profession.
For all, school infrastructure is inadequate, with disparities between urban and rural areas. In the peripheral areas, the names of the établissements are outdated, poorly equipped and difficult to access, creating inégalités d’accès à une éducation de qualité.
Bien que des réformes aient été announcees, les peinent à se concrétiser de manière effect le terrain, laissant le système éducatif dans un état de stagnation. This situation raises crucial questions regarding the capacity of Morocco to provide future generations with optimal conditions and to respond to the demands of a changing labor market.
Perspectives and possible solutions
In the face of this crisis, the dialogue seems to be the same thing. The Coordination nationale des enseignants du primaire points out that only a serious dialogue based on respect for engagements can solve the structural problems of the sector. The issue is big: it’s not only about guaranteeing decent work conditions for teachers, but also about preserving the quality of teaching offered to students.
The government is now at a crossroads. Il doit décider if he wants to restore a climate of trust with the teachers in responding to their vindications, or risk prolonging a conflict that will only intensify with time. La grève du 5 octobre sera-telle un tournant decisif ou une nouvelle étape dans un conflit que perdure?
The education sector is at the point of entry into a period of turmoil. Les rebenctions des enseignants, loin d’être un simple caprice, transladuisent an urgent kiss of réforme en profondeur. The question that arises is to know if the government will finally take advantage of the growth measure and offer concrete solutions or if the situation will continue to deteriorate, au détriment de tout le système éducatif marocain.
Le bras de fer entre le gouvernement et les enseignants du primaire s’annonce decisive pour l’avenir du système éducatif morocain. Behind the legitimate demands of the teachers is hidden a deeper crisis, a sector in bad reform. The next days will be crucial to know if the dialogue will lead to confrontation, or if the situation continues to deteriorate to the detriment of students and education in Morocco.
Repercussions sur d’autres sectors
The educational crisis that traverses Morocco is not limited to classrooms. Les dysfonctionnements dans le sector de l’enseignement ont des effets en cascade qui touchent des pans entiers de la société et de l’économie. In fact, l’éducation is the cornerstone of social and economic development in the country. An ineffective educational system does not only produce a generation of poorly prepared citizens, but it also leads to a decline in the quality of the workforce, which directly impacts the country’s competitiveness on the scene.
Effects on the economy and international competitiveness
The relationship between education and the economy is well established. A quality education allows the formation of competent and versatile individuals, able to adapt to the demands of the labor market, especially in the areas of innovation, technical competence and analytical skills that are necessary. Un système éducatif défaillant leads to a lack of qualifications among the workers, ce qui freine le développement de sectors clés comme l’industrie technologique, les énergies rénovéables techniques and all financing techniques, renewal techniques and all techniques.
For example, the technology sector, which plays a critical role in the modernization of the Moroccan economy, requires a high-skilled main job in IT, engineering and project management. Si le système éducatif n’est pas en mesure de produire ces profiles, les entreprises locales seront forcees de recruter à l’étranger, augnant ainsi les costs et relentissant l’essor du sector. This also poses challenges to attract international investors, who seek economies with a well-formed and competitive workforce.
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